
Red Lip of the Day: Make Up For Ever Rouge Intense in Moulin Rouge and Stila Lipglaze in Currant by Erin Baynham

Make Up For Ever Rouge Intense Moulin Rouge and Stila Currant Lipglaze It should come as no surprise that I'm over the moon about Make Up For Ever. This particular lipstick was highly pulicized as part of the MUFE Moulin Rouge collaboration. It's not as exciting in the tube..

Make Up For Ever Rouge Intense in Moulin Rouge and Stila Lipglaze in Currant

Stila comes out with a mini Lip Glaze set during Holiday every year. I purchase them every year. They no longer make them look like the lip glaze above, they are now just smaller versions of the actual lip glaze. Over all, I absolutely adore this combination! I love vivid, long lasting reds. This one is spot on!

Cosmetic Company Stores by Erin Baynham

These need to be fully explored by all of the makeup divas out there. This was my first retail job, and I loved it. This is an Estee Lauder outlet, so you will find brands including Lauder, Prescriptives, Stila (well I'm not sure about them anymore since they have been sold), MAC, Bobbi Brown, Clinique, Donna Karan, Rodan and Fields and Origins. All of the skincare and makeup are 30% off of retail pricing, fragrances are 20% off. You can find lots of different items, this is the major source where overstockked and discountinued items can be found. So, my Lauder Sparkling Clean Cleanser is $18.50, MAC Eyeshadows are $9.50. It's serious y'all.

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