Dark & Lovely

I Love This Style--Harlem Fashion Row by Dark and Lovely by Erin Baynham

Nzingha Knight Model - Dark and Lovely I don't know how many emails I've recieved from Fashion Week with "sleek hair" or "the high pony". We wear those styles every day. While they look great on the runway, they aren't really fun to share. However, when I saw this style, I thought--Yes! Finally! Fun! Great! Pow!

Dark and Lovely provided hair for Harlem's Fashion Row this week. I became a fan of Dark and Lovely a few years ago when I found their at home hair color (here's a video of how I did it. I was terrified!). I particularly love the texture and substance behind this style. It's something I'd wear for a night out, and I could even pull it off with my locs.

Check out more photos from the event after the jump!

Dark and Lovely HFR Fashion show