My Three Step, Foolproof Strategy to Consistent Blogging / by Erin Baynham

series Last month, I cranked out my goal of 15 posts in a month. In fact, I did 18 posts, which is a little over three posts per week. I know my limits, and having posts up Monday through Friday just isn't in my plans. This month, I'm off to the slowest start ever. You know why I made my 3x weekly goal last go round, not this time? I didn't use the strategy. Read on, my friends.

Plan for the month ahead

A few weeks before hand, I opened my editorial calendar plugin and drafted post titles for every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the following month. I used old drafts that I never got around to completing, series that I wanted to keep up with, and new articles that I was itching to get out.

Write, write, write

This piggyback's on this article from a year ago, but you just need to write. Don't take pictures, don't plan your social media messaging. Get the words on paper, and knock out as much as you can ahead of time. To do this, I entered all of the post titles in Google Drive. Then, as tedious as it may seem, I set my clock for five minutes, and spent the entire time writing the copy for every post. You'd be surprised how much writing and brain dumping you can do in 300 seconds. Once the buzzer went off, I'd repeat. By the time I went through all the posts, I had a healthy start. Make sure everything is written at least a week early, as a buffer.

Every day or so, I'd add more content to the posts, if necessary. Write for a few mins, edit, add links, and then schedule the post to go out.

Plug in

The weekend before, I take all the pictures I needed in bulk, edited them all and plugged them into the appropriate post. If I was doing a makeup look or something that was more time sensitive or not scheduled, I'd have them ready to go a week in advance. If I scattered this process, I didn't get it done. Trust me, I was almost late with some posts because I didn't handle this part in batches. I scheduled some of my social media posts, but not all.

That's it!

Yeah, I know it's a time consuming process, and it sounds easier than what it really is, but all of that writing in bulk and batch photography helps so much.  I'm actually working on this for September, since August has been a bit of a bust for me. If  you have any blogging tips to share, spill the beans in the comments section!

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