20 Ways to Be A Successful Blogger While Working Full Time (Part 2) / by Erin Baynham

How to Blog and Work Full Time

How to Blog and Work Full Time

I meant to posts this a few weeks ago, but hey, better late than never! I'm moving right along with some more ideas on effectively blogging while working full time.


I LOVE this. Basically, this is a timer that gets you to work in 25 minute increments, then the alarm goes off, your computer dims, and then you can start again. This really helps me concentrate on a task and get work done without lollygagging. I use tomato-timer and pomodoro.

Create a weekly time limit

Maybe you want to devote a total of five hours a week to your blog. I’ve tried “clocking in” and not going over that time. Again, this is a way to ensure that you knock out content while being able to knock out other things. I used to spend endlesss amounts of time "blogging", ie checking social media, etc. Nope!

Be okay with not posting a billion times a week

In an ideal blogging world, I'd like to post three times a day! There's no way in the world I can devote that kind of time to my blog, so I have to be okay with posting 2-3 times per week. When I pressure myself to post 5 times a week, I end up only posting once, because I get overwhelmed. It's a sad reality.

Set up drafts as you go

Did you begin a post and you've got some good content going for it? Go ahead and throw it in your editor and draft it! Add images and links later, if necessary.

Totally unplug and go at it

This was the productivity tip that helped me like no other. I wrote all about it here.

Check out  part one, three and four of the series too.

Grab the printable with all 20 tips:

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